What if a Complaint is Made About Me?

Registered teachers are committed professionals that strive to meet and exceed profession’s standards of conduct and competence. However, there are times when a complaint is made about a registered teacher’s conduct or competence.

When a complaint is received about a registered teacher it initiates a process to determine if the allegations in the complaint are factual which may include a full investigation into the matters. During an investigation of allegations about a registered teacher, the SPTRB takes steps to ensure that the process is fair for all involved, including the registered teacher.

          1.  Investigations will be conducted in a timely and impartial manner.
  2.  The registered teacher will be advised of the right to seek legal assistance and/or support from the Saskatchewan Teacher’s Federation (STF), if they are a member of the STF.
  3.  The registered teacher will be informed of the specific allegation(s) under investigation.
  4.  The registered teacher will be asked to provide a written response.
  5.  The registered teacher will be given an opportunity to provide information to the SPTRB investigator.
6.  The complaint will be reviewed impartially by the Professional Conduct Committee – a committee made up of four registered teachers and one public representative.
  7.  The registered teacher will be provided with the written decision of the Professional Conduct Committee.

During an investigation of allegations against a registered teacher, the SPTRB acts in a fair and impartial way to respect the registered teacher’s rights while protecting the public interest. The SPTRB does not comment on investigations or complaints. The SPTRB does this to protect registered teachers and complainants, as well as to avoid possible prejudice to the process.

Additional information about the complaint management process can be found in the What if a Complaint is Made About Me brochure.

What if a Complaint is Made about Me?

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